We are excited to embark on our 2024-2025 Season!

Auditions have been finalized, but we are still looking for 1-2 mallets, 1 synth, 1 auxiliary, and 3-4 visual ensemble members to fill out the ensemble. If you’re interested, email us now!

Click HERE for a full season calendar.

2024-25 Audition Fees
2024-25 GSP Battery Packet

Contact your staff for more feedback after your audition!

Battery Caption Head: Parker pbrown@paweber.org
Snare: Brock bgonzales@paweber.org
Tenor: Ryan rhunt@paweber.org
Bass: Billy bdeboer@paweber.org, Jacki jhunt@paweber.org
Cymbal: Parker pbrown@paweber.org

Front Ensemble Caption Head: Chris cgwilliam@paweber.org
Technicians: Adrian arosales@paweber.org, Ashton aallen@paweber.org,
Josh jadams@paweber.org, Jason jmanchester@paweber.org